Charles A. Matz

Photo by Antonio Lai da Teulada
Charles A. Matz University of Notre Dame, USA, La Sorbonne, University of Paris, France, Columbia University, USA.
Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur de France.
Works in Progress.
“Poets and Companions”multi-lingual word concerts.
“Soul Castle”, libretto for multi-lingual opera with music..
“B Cell City”, art and science in a collaborative work (techno opera and graphics) about Lymphoma,. Text by Charles Matz, participation of medical researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and scientists at Columbia Genoma Institute in Manhattan, N.Y., with collaboration of architects and graphic artists.
“American Dream”, libretto for a lyric opera based on a work by and with permission of Norman Mailer. Text by Charles Matz.
Charles Matz passed away on february 11, 2021.
Performances, Publications and Participations.
September 10, 2010: Warum ist er noch nicht hier? (original text) published Rossetti, Parma, Italy: ISBN 9781453808177.
July 19, 2010: Milan, Italy, Parola d’artista, presented by Marco Nero Rotelli, Rotonda di via Besana.Performance of selected poems of Charles Matz performed by Clare Ann Matz..
Washington Cathedral Centenary Celebration September 2007. Co-celebrated with Rowan LeCompte, stained glass artist, as the iconographer of nave clerestory windows.
October 7, 2006: Festival Fuori Fluxus, Asolo, Italy, Homage to Joe Jones. “Energy” text by Matz, music by Antonio Lai da Teulada, original choreography by Clare Ann Matz. Ballet performance by Evelyn Dunn.
November 4, 2005 Musica sacra per organo e voce con due canzoni di Charles Matz, Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice, Italy, music by D. Koontz. (For the 35th Musical Season of the Frari Church).
August 12, 2005 Homecoming Fragments, translation and adaptation of Greek text of Aeschylus, including some original material and lines in Ancient Greek, by Matz. Performed by Pamela Hebert, Celeste Hastings, Robert Florio, Darynn Zimmer, Charles Matz, and Butoh Dancers of the Anemone Theater, in the Tino and Ruth Nivola sculpture garden at The Springs, East Hampton, New York.
February 6, 2005 “Four New Songs” from I Misteri di Fumach, text by Charles Matz, music by Ernesto Ferreri, at North Campus of North Carolina University, Wilmington, N.C.
February 5, 2005 “Four New Songs” from I Misteri di Fumach, text by Charles Matz, music by Ernesto Ferreri, at The Louise Wells Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, NC.
July 14, 2004 Readings by Liliane Questel from Point de lendemain maintenant, French novel by Charles Matz: Paradise Books, Sag Harbor, NY
July 13, 2004 “Aria-a-Azzurra”, “ Fanfaluca”, and “S’Ammorbidiva la Diva” poems by Charles Matz, set to music by Ernesto Ferreri, sung by Pamela Hebert, accompanied by Linda Sweetman-Waters, pianist, at Wölffer Estate, Sagaponack, NY.
July 5, 2004 “Homage to Charles Matz”, video, paintings, calligraphy, art books by Charles Matz, exhibition mounted by Clare Ann Matz, Avram Gallery, Southampton College, Southampton, NY.
July 5, 2004 “Spring”, Part II of Who Am I?, composed by Marino Baldissera, sung by Pamela Hebert, William Zito, guitarist, at The Southampton Historical Society, Southampton, NY.
July 4, 2004 Sacred Song “The Supposed Death of St. Charles Borromeo” set to music by Daniel Koontz and sung by Darynn Zimmer accompanied by Gregory D’Agostino at the organ of St. John’s Church, Southampton, NY. Sacred poem “The Litany of St. Charles Borromeo” recited by Mme Zimmer.
June 6, 2004 "S'ammorbidiva la Diva", poem by Matz set to music by Ernesto Ferreri. In concert "Composerworks: North Carolina Composers" at The Louise Wells Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, NC.
June 16, 2002 Antonin Artaud: The Black Sun of hi-Kuri, as work in progress, Biennale Teatro e Psichiatria: Festival Internazionale del Teatro Attivo del Disagio Psichico at Padua, Italy, Matz and Anne d'Armagnac giving a dramatic reading of text by Matz in English, French, Italian and Tarahumaran with soprano Pamela Hebert. Music by Carlo Nicolau. Direction: Antonio Lai da Teulada.
July 24, 2001 Ambigu, (a piece based on Artaud project in progress),Teatro l’8 di Saffi, Parma, Italy, multi-lingual text by Matz, a dramatic reading by librettist-poet (Matz) with songs also by soprano (Pamela Hebert). Music by Carlo Nicolau. Multi-media projected video (Clare Ann Matz).
March 21, 1996 The City of the Sun, ( based on Tommaso Campanella) in Teatr of the IV Annual International Theater Festival, Bielistock, Poland. Text by Matz, performance by The CAM Art Company.
February 3, 1993 “La Poesia” (reading of the poetry of Andrea Zanzotto), Istituto Commercio Estero, New York City.
January 21, 1993 American Poetry Today, a Reading-lecture, Centro Cultural de la Generación 27, Malaga, Spain.
August 2, 1992 Columbus the Moor, (text by Matz), a multi-media event by The CAM Art Co. at the Las Vegas Art Museum, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
May 24, 1992 Columbus the Moor, (text and dramatic reading by Matz, music by David Ryder) with The CAM Art Co., Teatro Calderón de la Barca, Valladolid, Spain.
August 1and 2, 1991 Visions Oral interpretation of selected Blake poetry (a multi-media show with poetry, dance, video, and music) in collaboration with Clare Ann Matz (Wind Projects Milan: production) and with music by David Ryder. Teatro del Castello Pascini, Castiglioncello, Tuscany, Italy.
June 20, 1988 Le Déchirement d’un Poète (in honor of Ian Hamilton Finlay), French text by Matz , performance Jean Ristat, in the Cours d’Honneur du Palais Royale, Paris, France.
May-June 1987 Address, Vol.1, No. 1, New York: “Viene a mancar un Lombardo”, “The Portrait of Saint Charles”, “Venerable Borromeo”, “One Act of Saint Charles at the Theater”, “A Walk with a Stutterer”, “Crypt Explosions for St. Charles Borromeo”. Publisher Alan Jones.
October 31, 1986 “Canto One” performance of Ezra Pound’s first canto in honor of the centenary of his birth, Program Organized by Alan Jones at Elkin Studio, Greene Street, New York City.
April, 1983 Energy, video version, shown at video festivals in Lugano, Switzerland and Ferrara, Italy. (Also shown at Beaubourg, Paris, France, and in Tokyo, Japan, London, and at PS 122 in New York City.)
October 19-20, 1982 Energies, a cross-over performance: poetic text and performance by Matz; The CAM Art Co. provided actors, coordination of text, choreography, soprano participation, Fluxus music, lighting, special sets and costumes. Midland Group Performance Art Centre, Nottingham, England. Energies was conceived as a celebration in various cross-over art forms of aspects of a hydro-electric power producing plant located at Ponte delle Alpi, Italy. In video recorded version [of April, 1983], by Clare Ann Matz, the choreography included the use of the giant turbo-dynamos as dancing platforms and the huge electrical switch-gear control panel room as a background for the poetic texts and the soprano’s performance. Special permission was received from the Italian Government’s National Electricity Board for use of the facility.
November 20, 1981 Speed Poetry, performance as a part of the series “Stage of Glory, from Metropolitan Space, Club Le Scimmie, Milan, Italy (Matz performing his own texts and those of Whitman, Blake, and Ginsburg). Soprano Pamela Hebert, ambientale music by Antonio Lai, choreography Clare Ann Matz).
September, 1981 Lui-Lei, text and cross-over performance (with Antonio Lai, Clare Ann Matz, and Hallam Tennyson), Art Gallery, Collegio Cairoli, University of Pavia, Italy.
May 1,2, and 3, 1981 Shout Poetry, text and performance for Italia Nostra, Castello Brandolini d’Adda, Cison di Valmarino, Italy
April 2, 1977 The New Generation, Text by Matz for the CAM Art Co., Palazzo Diamanti, Ferrara, Italy.
April-May 1977, Poesia a cura di Nanni Cagnone, in the Ugo Carega’s Gallery “Il Mercato del Sale”,in Brera, Milan, Italy.
September, 1975 Who Am I? shout oratory, by Matz for the CAM Art Co., in Aula Magna of Università degli studi, Pavia, Italy.
April 14, 1975 Shout poems performed by Matz in “Parlare & Scrivere” at Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome, Italy. A series organized by Renato Barilli at the gallery owned by Plinio de Martiis. [v. “Available Archives” listing below.]
February 28, 1975 Shout Poems, Matz text and performance, Aula Magna, Collegio Cairoli, University of Pavia, Italy.
February, 1969 American Dream, two dramatic performances by Matz, on successive weeks of Matz libretto based on Norman Mailer’s novel of the same name, before invited guests in Mailer’s home in Brooklyn Heights, N.Y., USA.
May 1, 1968 “Erotica”, dramatic reading of Matz text accompanied by musical group “The Flying Lapels”, in a mixed-media performance, College Theater, St. Mary’s College of the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA.
March 3, 1968 Shouts, Matz text and performance, The Student Union Academic Commission, Library Auditorium, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA.
2010 “Prodigal” in Marsh Hawk Review, Spring 2010. As a “crossover poem”, using several languages.
2001 City Secrets, Florence, Venice & the Towns of Italy, edited by R.Kahn, “Italian Ghost Towns” (The Nuraghe of Sardinia), The Little Bookroom, New York.
1992, June “Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry”, Litoral, revista de la poesia y el pensamiento, Malaga, Spain, selection, introductions of individual poets and critical essay by Matz. Spanish translations by Ana Jorda.
1988, November “Vittorio Alfieri et la Révolution Française” in Révue Europe, Paris, France.
1988, September “On the Economics of Poetry”, in Testuale, Milan, Italy.
1988, September “Le Déchirement d’un Poète”, in Digraphe, Mercure de France, Paris, France.
1987 “New Poems”, in Address, Alan Jones Publisher, New York City.
1984, January “Video Poetry” in Testuale, Milan, Italy.
1984 Humility Poems, Survivors’ Manual Books, New York.
1980 circa Mon fumo: my being nothing. Poem in 14 parts, translated by Luigi Pellizzari, introduction by Margherita Guidacci, preface by Charles Matz, Lumsa, Biblioteca G. Petrocchi. s.d. [in Unione Romana, biblioteche scientifiche; Rome, Italy.
1979 Italian Poetry Today, edited by Ruth Feldman and Brian Swann, New Rivers Press, New York.. (Matz translation of a poem by Brandolino Branndolini d’Adda).
1976 Performances, Survivors' Manual Books, New York.
1974 "Letter from Italy: Pound's Funeral", in Survivors' Manual, No 6, New York.
1974 Annali, Istituto Universitario Lingue Moderne, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Sede di Feltre: “The Americanness of Ezra Pound” (estratto) Panfilo Castaldi, Feltre, Italy 1974, pp. 379 et seq. 10.
1972 Annali, Istituto Universitario Lingue Moderne, Facoltá di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Sede di Feltre: “Vittorino da Feltre and Contemporary American Education” (estratto) Panfilo Castaldi, Feltre, Italy 1972, pp. 265-273.
1972 The Craft of Dyeing, translated from the Italian of F. Brunello, Neri Pozza Editore, Vicenza, Italy.
1971 The City of the Sun, a poetic drama based on Campanella, The University of the West, Angers, France.
1971 Poetry in Chimes Quarterly [cf. University of Notre Dame, St Mary’s College Archives] , Survivors' Manual, Revista Dolfina (this published in Buenos Aires), and Antologia Ribellato, Cittadella, Italy.
1965 The Art of F.S. Fitzgerald, translated from the Italian of S. Perosa, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
1963 The Legend of Madeleine, a novel, William Morrow & Co., New York City.
1954 Libretto translation of Andrea Chenier, of Giordano (orig. libr. by Illica), with M.J. Matz and M.E. Peltz (arias), Paperback.
1954-1971 Articles in Opera News (including: “The Courts of Love and Tannhauser” Vol. XVIII, ix, Jan. 4, 1954, 3-5, 31), Vogue, Extension, Gentlemen's Quarterly, Paris Herald Tribune, High Fidelity, Regnum Dei.
1983, July "Salvatore Satta's The Last Judgment", Third Programme, BBC, Broadcast House, London, compiled and presented by Matz. [Director Pliers Plowright]
1981, March-June "Time for Verse", on oral poetry, Third Programme, BBC, Broadcast House, London, compiled and presented by Matz. [Director: Piers Plowright]
1970, January "Ezra Pound in Venice", interview and comment by Matz, Canadian Broadcasting Company, Toronto, Canada.
Iconographic consulting for Washington National Cathedral, for Canon R. Feller, Clerk-of-the-Works, and R. LeCompte, stained glass artist. (cf. E.R. Crimi, D. Ney: Jewels of Light: the Stained Glass of Washington National Cathedral, Washington DC 2004)
Available Archives:
Lilly Library, Bloomington, Indiana: Manuscript Collections: Finlay Mss. Letters exchanged with Ian Hamilton Finlay.
The Fales Library & Special Collections, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York,N.Y. 10012: Ubu Repertory Theater Script Collection a. 1982-1994: Ms of Antonin Artaud: the Dark Sun of hi-Kuri; Harry Ransom Center, Collections,
Letters about theater:
The University of Texas at Austin, Texas: Norman Mailer Papers; Letters exchanged with Norman Mailer during collaboration for American Dream libretto.
Performance texts:
Mart, Catalogo integrato , Fondo Fraccaro-Carrega, Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, corso Bettini 43, 38068 Rovereto (TN) Italy.
Manuscript matters:
Gian Carlo Menotti, Donald L. Hixon, Greenwood Publishing Group, sd, sl. (on page 26: Matz, Charles: “Menotti and Pound”, Opera News, 30 (November 20, 1965), pp 14, 15); Université de Paris 3, France, Archive at Centre audiovisuel et informatique, collection of material of Europe (Matz, Charles “Alfieri et la Révolution française” page 79, Nov-Déc 1988) at
Performance matters:
Energy at Midlands Arts Centre 1982 [q.v.] archives at University of Bristol, England: at Parlare et scrivere, Barilli, Renato: Altro /La Nuova Foglio Editrice (Altrotre), Macerata, Italy, 1977, critical analysis of La Tartaruga Gallery performance in 1975 [q.v.]. ms scores by Matz were exhibited during 1977 at Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy and at Galleria La Bussola, Turin, Italy, with catalogs in 8vo, nn, (ma 4).
Listings of translations of opera libretti, with M.J. Matz:
(Rigoletto of Verdi and La Pietra del paragone of Rossini) in Central Opera Service Bulletin, Winter 1973/74, Lincoln Center, Metropolitan Opera, New York, N.Y. 10023.
Printed matter:
La Orotava: Biblioteca Municipal, Fondos Documentales: Litoral, revista de arte y pensamiento: No 193-194 “Poesia norteamericana contemporánea. -contiene además separate: veinte poetas norteamericanos contemporáneos/selección y traducción, Charles Matz y Ana Jordá.”
Iconographic matters:
Washington National Cathedral Archives. Records of Iconography and Furnishings, Massachusetts & Wisconsin Avenues, NW, Washington, D.C. 20010-5098, E-mail: [email protected].
Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur de France.
Works in Progress.
“Poets and Companions”multi-lingual word concerts.
“Soul Castle”, libretto for multi-lingual opera with music..
“B Cell City”, art and science in a collaborative work (techno opera and graphics) about Lymphoma,. Text by Charles Matz, participation of medical researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and scientists at Columbia Genoma Institute in Manhattan, N.Y., with collaboration of architects and graphic artists.
“American Dream”, libretto for a lyric opera based on a work by and with permission of Norman Mailer. Text by Charles Matz.
Charles Matz passed away on february 11, 2021.
Performances, Publications and Participations.
September 10, 2010: Warum ist er noch nicht hier? (original text) published Rossetti, Parma, Italy: ISBN 9781453808177.
July 19, 2010: Milan, Italy, Parola d’artista, presented by Marco Nero Rotelli, Rotonda di via Besana.Performance of selected poems of Charles Matz performed by Clare Ann Matz..
Washington Cathedral Centenary Celebration September 2007. Co-celebrated with Rowan LeCompte, stained glass artist, as the iconographer of nave clerestory windows.
October 7, 2006: Festival Fuori Fluxus, Asolo, Italy, Homage to Joe Jones. “Energy” text by Matz, music by Antonio Lai da Teulada, original choreography by Clare Ann Matz. Ballet performance by Evelyn Dunn.
November 4, 2005 Musica sacra per organo e voce con due canzoni di Charles Matz, Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice, Italy, music by D. Koontz. (For the 35th Musical Season of the Frari Church).
August 12, 2005 Homecoming Fragments, translation and adaptation of Greek text of Aeschylus, including some original material and lines in Ancient Greek, by Matz. Performed by Pamela Hebert, Celeste Hastings, Robert Florio, Darynn Zimmer, Charles Matz, and Butoh Dancers of the Anemone Theater, in the Tino and Ruth Nivola sculpture garden at The Springs, East Hampton, New York.
February 6, 2005 “Four New Songs” from I Misteri di Fumach, text by Charles Matz, music by Ernesto Ferreri, at North Campus of North Carolina University, Wilmington, N.C.
February 5, 2005 “Four New Songs” from I Misteri di Fumach, text by Charles Matz, music by Ernesto Ferreri, at The Louise Wells Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, NC.
July 14, 2004 Readings by Liliane Questel from Point de lendemain maintenant, French novel by Charles Matz: Paradise Books, Sag Harbor, NY
July 13, 2004 “Aria-a-Azzurra”, “ Fanfaluca”, and “S’Ammorbidiva la Diva” poems by Charles Matz, set to music by Ernesto Ferreri, sung by Pamela Hebert, accompanied by Linda Sweetman-Waters, pianist, at Wölffer Estate, Sagaponack, NY.
July 5, 2004 “Homage to Charles Matz”, video, paintings, calligraphy, art books by Charles Matz, exhibition mounted by Clare Ann Matz, Avram Gallery, Southampton College, Southampton, NY.
July 5, 2004 “Spring”, Part II of Who Am I?, composed by Marino Baldissera, sung by Pamela Hebert, William Zito, guitarist, at The Southampton Historical Society, Southampton, NY.
July 4, 2004 Sacred Song “The Supposed Death of St. Charles Borromeo” set to music by Daniel Koontz and sung by Darynn Zimmer accompanied by Gregory D’Agostino at the organ of St. John’s Church, Southampton, NY. Sacred poem “The Litany of St. Charles Borromeo” recited by Mme Zimmer.
June 6, 2004 "S'ammorbidiva la Diva", poem by Matz set to music by Ernesto Ferreri. In concert "Composerworks: North Carolina Composers" at The Louise Wells Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington, NC.
June 16, 2002 Antonin Artaud: The Black Sun of hi-Kuri, as work in progress, Biennale Teatro e Psichiatria: Festival Internazionale del Teatro Attivo del Disagio Psichico at Padua, Italy, Matz and Anne d'Armagnac giving a dramatic reading of text by Matz in English, French, Italian and Tarahumaran with soprano Pamela Hebert. Music by Carlo Nicolau. Direction: Antonio Lai da Teulada.
July 24, 2001 Ambigu, (a piece based on Artaud project in progress),Teatro l’8 di Saffi, Parma, Italy, multi-lingual text by Matz, a dramatic reading by librettist-poet (Matz) with songs also by soprano (Pamela Hebert). Music by Carlo Nicolau. Multi-media projected video (Clare Ann Matz).
March 21, 1996 The City of the Sun, ( based on Tommaso Campanella) in Teatr of the IV Annual International Theater Festival, Bielistock, Poland. Text by Matz, performance by The CAM Art Company.
February 3, 1993 “La Poesia” (reading of the poetry of Andrea Zanzotto), Istituto Commercio Estero, New York City.
January 21, 1993 American Poetry Today, a Reading-lecture, Centro Cultural de la Generación 27, Malaga, Spain.
August 2, 1992 Columbus the Moor, (text by Matz), a multi-media event by The CAM Art Co. at the Las Vegas Art Museum, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
May 24, 1992 Columbus the Moor, (text and dramatic reading by Matz, music by David Ryder) with The CAM Art Co., Teatro Calderón de la Barca, Valladolid, Spain.
August 1and 2, 1991 Visions Oral interpretation of selected Blake poetry (a multi-media show with poetry, dance, video, and music) in collaboration with Clare Ann Matz (Wind Projects Milan: production) and with music by David Ryder. Teatro del Castello Pascini, Castiglioncello, Tuscany, Italy.
June 20, 1988 Le Déchirement d’un Poète (in honor of Ian Hamilton Finlay), French text by Matz , performance Jean Ristat, in the Cours d’Honneur du Palais Royale, Paris, France.
May-June 1987 Address, Vol.1, No. 1, New York: “Viene a mancar un Lombardo”, “The Portrait of Saint Charles”, “Venerable Borromeo”, “One Act of Saint Charles at the Theater”, “A Walk with a Stutterer”, “Crypt Explosions for St. Charles Borromeo”. Publisher Alan Jones.
October 31, 1986 “Canto One” performance of Ezra Pound’s first canto in honor of the centenary of his birth, Program Organized by Alan Jones at Elkin Studio, Greene Street, New York City.
April, 1983 Energy, video version, shown at video festivals in Lugano, Switzerland and Ferrara, Italy. (Also shown at Beaubourg, Paris, France, and in Tokyo, Japan, London, and at PS 122 in New York City.)
October 19-20, 1982 Energies, a cross-over performance: poetic text and performance by Matz; The CAM Art Co. provided actors, coordination of text, choreography, soprano participation, Fluxus music, lighting, special sets and costumes. Midland Group Performance Art Centre, Nottingham, England. Energies was conceived as a celebration in various cross-over art forms of aspects of a hydro-electric power producing plant located at Ponte delle Alpi, Italy. In video recorded version [of April, 1983], by Clare Ann Matz, the choreography included the use of the giant turbo-dynamos as dancing platforms and the huge electrical switch-gear control panel room as a background for the poetic texts and the soprano’s performance. Special permission was received from the Italian Government’s National Electricity Board for use of the facility.
November 20, 1981 Speed Poetry, performance as a part of the series “Stage of Glory, from Metropolitan Space, Club Le Scimmie, Milan, Italy (Matz performing his own texts and those of Whitman, Blake, and Ginsburg). Soprano Pamela Hebert, ambientale music by Antonio Lai, choreography Clare Ann Matz).
September, 1981 Lui-Lei, text and cross-over performance (with Antonio Lai, Clare Ann Matz, and Hallam Tennyson), Art Gallery, Collegio Cairoli, University of Pavia, Italy.
May 1,2, and 3, 1981 Shout Poetry, text and performance for Italia Nostra, Castello Brandolini d’Adda, Cison di Valmarino, Italy
April 2, 1977 The New Generation, Text by Matz for the CAM Art Co., Palazzo Diamanti, Ferrara, Italy.
April-May 1977, Poesia a cura di Nanni Cagnone, in the Ugo Carega’s Gallery “Il Mercato del Sale”,in Brera, Milan, Italy.
September, 1975 Who Am I? shout oratory, by Matz for the CAM Art Co., in Aula Magna of Università degli studi, Pavia, Italy.
April 14, 1975 Shout poems performed by Matz in “Parlare & Scrivere” at Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome, Italy. A series organized by Renato Barilli at the gallery owned by Plinio de Martiis. [v. “Available Archives” listing below.]
February 28, 1975 Shout Poems, Matz text and performance, Aula Magna, Collegio Cairoli, University of Pavia, Italy.
February, 1969 American Dream, two dramatic performances by Matz, on successive weeks of Matz libretto based on Norman Mailer’s novel of the same name, before invited guests in Mailer’s home in Brooklyn Heights, N.Y., USA.
May 1, 1968 “Erotica”, dramatic reading of Matz text accompanied by musical group “The Flying Lapels”, in a mixed-media performance, College Theater, St. Mary’s College of the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA.
March 3, 1968 Shouts, Matz text and performance, The Student Union Academic Commission, Library Auditorium, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA.
2010 “Prodigal” in Marsh Hawk Review, Spring 2010. As a “crossover poem”, using several languages.
2001 City Secrets, Florence, Venice & the Towns of Italy, edited by R.Kahn, “Italian Ghost Towns” (The Nuraghe of Sardinia), The Little Bookroom, New York.
1992, June “Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry”, Litoral, revista de la poesia y el pensamiento, Malaga, Spain, selection, introductions of individual poets and critical essay by Matz. Spanish translations by Ana Jorda.
1988, November “Vittorio Alfieri et la Révolution Française” in Révue Europe, Paris, France.
1988, September “On the Economics of Poetry”, in Testuale, Milan, Italy.
1988, September “Le Déchirement d’un Poète”, in Digraphe, Mercure de France, Paris, France.
1987 “New Poems”, in Address, Alan Jones Publisher, New York City.
1984, January “Video Poetry” in Testuale, Milan, Italy.
1984 Humility Poems, Survivors’ Manual Books, New York.
1980 circa Mon fumo: my being nothing. Poem in 14 parts, translated by Luigi Pellizzari, introduction by Margherita Guidacci, preface by Charles Matz, Lumsa, Biblioteca G. Petrocchi. s.d. [in Unione Romana, biblioteche scientifiche; Rome, Italy.
1979 Italian Poetry Today, edited by Ruth Feldman and Brian Swann, New Rivers Press, New York.. (Matz translation of a poem by Brandolino Branndolini d’Adda).
1976 Performances, Survivors' Manual Books, New York.
1974 "Letter from Italy: Pound's Funeral", in Survivors' Manual, No 6, New York.
1974 Annali, Istituto Universitario Lingue Moderne, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Sede di Feltre: “The Americanness of Ezra Pound” (estratto) Panfilo Castaldi, Feltre, Italy 1974, pp. 379 et seq. 10.
1972 Annali, Istituto Universitario Lingue Moderne, Facoltá di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Sede di Feltre: “Vittorino da Feltre and Contemporary American Education” (estratto) Panfilo Castaldi, Feltre, Italy 1972, pp. 265-273.
1972 The Craft of Dyeing, translated from the Italian of F. Brunello, Neri Pozza Editore, Vicenza, Italy.
1971 The City of the Sun, a poetic drama based on Campanella, The University of the West, Angers, France.
1971 Poetry in Chimes Quarterly [cf. University of Notre Dame, St Mary’s College Archives] , Survivors' Manual, Revista Dolfina (this published in Buenos Aires), and Antologia Ribellato, Cittadella, Italy.
1965 The Art of F.S. Fitzgerald, translated from the Italian of S. Perosa, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
1963 The Legend of Madeleine, a novel, William Morrow & Co., New York City.
1954 Libretto translation of Andrea Chenier, of Giordano (orig. libr. by Illica), with M.J. Matz and M.E. Peltz (arias), Paperback.
1954-1971 Articles in Opera News (including: “The Courts of Love and Tannhauser” Vol. XVIII, ix, Jan. 4, 1954, 3-5, 31), Vogue, Extension, Gentlemen's Quarterly, Paris Herald Tribune, High Fidelity, Regnum Dei.
1983, July "Salvatore Satta's The Last Judgment", Third Programme, BBC, Broadcast House, London, compiled and presented by Matz. [Director Pliers Plowright]
1981, March-June "Time for Verse", on oral poetry, Third Programme, BBC, Broadcast House, London, compiled and presented by Matz. [Director: Piers Plowright]
1970, January "Ezra Pound in Venice", interview and comment by Matz, Canadian Broadcasting Company, Toronto, Canada.
Iconographic consulting for Washington National Cathedral, for Canon R. Feller, Clerk-of-the-Works, and R. LeCompte, stained glass artist. (cf. E.R. Crimi, D. Ney: Jewels of Light: the Stained Glass of Washington National Cathedral, Washington DC 2004)
Available Archives:
Lilly Library, Bloomington, Indiana: Manuscript Collections: Finlay Mss. Letters exchanged with Ian Hamilton Finlay.
The Fales Library & Special Collections, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, New York,N.Y. 10012: Ubu Repertory Theater Script Collection a. 1982-1994: Ms of Antonin Artaud: the Dark Sun of hi-Kuri; Harry Ransom Center, Collections,
Letters about theater:
The University of Texas at Austin, Texas: Norman Mailer Papers; Letters exchanged with Norman Mailer during collaboration for American Dream libretto.
Performance texts:
Mart, Catalogo integrato , Fondo Fraccaro-Carrega, Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, corso Bettini 43, 38068 Rovereto (TN) Italy.
Manuscript matters:
Gian Carlo Menotti, Donald L. Hixon, Greenwood Publishing Group, sd, sl. (on page 26: Matz, Charles: “Menotti and Pound”, Opera News, 30 (November 20, 1965), pp 14, 15); Université de Paris 3, France, Archive at Centre audiovisuel et informatique, collection of material of Europe (Matz, Charles “Alfieri et la Révolution française” page 79, Nov-Déc 1988) at
Performance matters:
Energy at Midlands Arts Centre 1982 [q.v.] archives at University of Bristol, England: at Parlare et scrivere, Barilli, Renato: Altro /La Nuova Foglio Editrice (Altrotre), Macerata, Italy, 1977, critical analysis of La Tartaruga Gallery performance in 1975 [q.v.]. ms scores by Matz were exhibited during 1977 at Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy and at Galleria La Bussola, Turin, Italy, with catalogs in 8vo, nn, (ma 4).
Listings of translations of opera libretti, with M.J. Matz:
(Rigoletto of Verdi and La Pietra del paragone of Rossini) in Central Opera Service Bulletin, Winter 1973/74, Lincoln Center, Metropolitan Opera, New York, N.Y. 10023.
Printed matter:
La Orotava: Biblioteca Municipal, Fondos Documentales: Litoral, revista de arte y pensamiento: No 193-194 “Poesia norteamericana contemporánea. -contiene además separate: veinte poetas norteamericanos contemporáneos/selección y traducción, Charles Matz y Ana Jordá.”
Iconographic matters:
Washington National Cathedral Archives. Records of Iconography and Furnishings, Massachusetts & Wisconsin Avenues, NW, Washington, D.C. 20010-5098, E-mail: [email protected].